Melanie Millar, Miracle and Wonders, oil on canvas, 12"x8'

What I am working on: Miracles and Wonders


Melanie Millar, Miracle and Wonders, oil on canvas, 12"x8'

Melanie Millar, Miracle and Wonders, oil on canvas, 12″x8′

Here is what I have been working on.  I work on multiple pieces at the same time, but I think this one is pretty much finished.  Below is a deatil.

Melanie Millar, Miracles and Wonders, oil on canvas, 12"x8", detail

Melanie Millar, Miracles and Wonders, oil on canvas, 12″x8″,

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is a continuation of a painting detour I took a couple of years ago.  Here are a couple of those older paintings:




Hmmm.  Its instructive (to me) to see the new painting juxtaposed so closely to the older two.  I have to think about that.  I hadn’t realized how much more naturalistic the newer one is.  Hmm.

In part the inspiration for this work comes from the little paintings in the 1550 Book of Miracles that I wrote about in my most recent post.



6 thoughts on “What I am working on: Miracles and Wonders

    1. Melanie Millar Post author

      Anna! Thanks so much for sharing this. I went to the link you provided. Beautiful images and what an intriguing idea. I have had in mind painting the image of floating trees (instead of eggs) but the idea of combining both images in really really interesting.
      Again, thanks again for making the connection.

      Liked by 1 person


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